Map Management Toolbar

The Map Management Toolbar provides a way for users to view information about the map, control which layers appear, open and close the data table, and perform standard navigation. It consists of the following tools:

Table of Contents

Enables uses to switch maps, switch basemaps, turn feature classes off and on, and open a layers data table.


Enables the user to narrow the focus of the map. Select the tool then click on the map to zoom in. Users can also limit the area to zoom in on by clicking in the map and dragging the cursor to form a box. Click again to finish the box and zoom.

Zoom In

Zooms into the map at the current location.

Zoom Out

Zooms out from the map at the current location.

Zoom Previous

Cycles backwards through previous map extents.

Zoom Next

Cycles forward through previous map extents.


Enables users to move around the map. If no other tool is selected, this one is selected by default.

Go Home

Returns the map to the default extent


Enables users to save and return to specific locations in the map.

Show Current Location

Displays the user's current location. Select this tool to activate it. When activated, the tool is highlighted in blue, and the map centers on the user's current location. A dot appears, and the map shifts to follow the user's movements.

Note:  For Chrome this feature only works if you are running the website under https.


Enable users to measure lines and polygons.


Lets users add markups to the map to provide information to someone at another location or to save information for later.


Lets users perform basic attribute and geometery editing operations directly in the webmap.


Collapses the toolbar to provide a better view of the data.