Create PM/Template

The PM/Template tool allows users to generate PM/Template records. Users can choose to create a PM/Template based on the filterset or on the records selected in the grid.

How To Create a PM/Template

  1. Create a filter for the records that need a PM/Template OR select all the records in the grid that need a PM/Template.
  2. Select the hammer create pm icon. The following pop-up appears:

  3. In the Create PM for... field, the Selected Records option is selected by default. This is the only option available when working in the Webmap.
  4. In the Where field (if applicable), choose whether to create one PM/Template with all of the records attached OR separate PM/Templates for each record.
  5. In the Created Using field, select whether this is a New PM or if it will be based on an Existing PM.

    • If you selected New PM, enter the following information:

      • In the Category Code field, enter the Work Category to be used on the record. The system completes this field if a Default Work Category exists.
      • Enter the Main Task to be performed.
    • If you selected the Existing Template option, a list of PM Templates with a Category that matches the Work Order Asset appears. Select one to use as the template for your PM.
  6. Select OK. The system creates the Template with the selected featuresattached. The PM/Template Code and Description are generated automatically based on the first asset and the Main Task.

    The PM/Template module opens to display the new record.

Note:   By default, the record is created as a Template. To convert it to a PM, the user must edit the record and mark the Scheduled PM box and set a schedule.