General Fields

Odometer *


Other Meter

Enable users to enter meter readings for the asset at the time the work is performed.

Completion Date

Completion Time

Specifies the date/time that work on the asset was finished.

  • Fleet assets: The system uses this value to update the Fleet record's Current Date field.
  • Equipment assets: The system uses this value to update the Equipment record's Current Date field.
  • If the Asset is linked to an Inspection and the Inspection's primary date field (Tested Date, Inspected Date, etc.) is populated, the system automatically completes these fields using the Inspection date.
  • The Completion fields can also be used to link Tasks to Assets. More information about Asset to Task linking


Displays the number of units of work the asset counts as.

  • The Units value is assumed to be 1 if the Work OrderCategory is configured to calculate a Count for the Work Order's Quantity field.
  • The system automatically populates the value if the Work Order Category is configured to calculate a Sum for the Work Order's Quantity field.

More information about work quantity calculations

Unassigned Costs

Calculates the cost of Tasks that are not associated directly with the Asset or linked to it by date.

More information about Asset > Task relationships and how this cost is calculated

WO Cost

Indicates the total cost of working on this asset.

More information about Asset > Task Relationships and how this cost is calculated

Inspection Source Module

Stores the name of the Inspection module that generated the Work Order Asset record, if applicable. The system automatically completes this field.