Special Function: Work/Parts Integration

Agencies may opt to integrate Lucity's Work program with Lucity's Parts Inventory modules to help optimize inventory management. When these elements work together:

  • Parts used to complete a Work Order are automatically deducted from the Parts Inventory, which keeps the inventory up to date.
  • The system automatically carries over the actual cost of a Part to the Work Order, improving the accuracy of Work Order accounting.


System Configuration

To configure the Work and Parts Inventory systems to work together, an administrator must enable the "Integrate Work and Parts Inventory"Work Option.

Parts Inventory Configuration

The Work and Parts integration involves linking Parts Inventory records to Work Resource records (i.e., Materials and Fluids). Then, when users attach Work Resources to Work Orders, Lucity passes data back and forth between the two systems.

The following conditions must be in place for the two systems to work together:

  • An agency must create Parts Inventory records for each item (material or fluid) that may be used on a Work Order.
  • It must also create a Material or Fluid record for each Part that may be used on a Work Order. (Note: A special function in the Parts Inventory module can create these records automatically if they do not exist.)
  • Parts Inventory records must be linked to a Material OR Fluid Setup record using the Material Code or Fluid Code fields on the Parts record.

More information about Work Material Setup

More information about Work Fluid Setup

Auxiliary Setup

Lucity's Warehouse Inventory program includes features that allow an agency to control how Parts are disbursed when the Work and Parts Inventory modules are integrated. Agencies can opt to:

  • dictate which Warehouse Location a Part is disbursed from;
  • prevent employees from disbursing more Parts than are available (which would result in a negative inventory quantity);
  • keep employees from disbursing expired or soon-to expire items; and
  • notify key players when Parts are disbursed from and/or returned to inventory.


Controlling Part Disbursal Location

Preventing Negative Part Quantities

Controlling Part Disbursal by date

Disbursal/Return Notifications

Note: If you do not have permission to disburse parts you can use the Material Requistion module to request parts.

How The Integration Works

The following sections of the Lucity Web Help Guide explain the Work/Parts integration in the detail.

Disbursing Parts

Returning Parts