Returning Parts

At times, employees may need to return materials or fluids that were never used or that were left over or after a Work Order has been completed. They can return these items to the appropriate Inventory by either: 1) reducing the Units quantity on the Work Order > Tasks > Materials or Fluids record or 2) deleting the Work Order > Tasks > Materials or Fluids record.

When either of these actions occur, Lucity automatically performs an Inventory return and restores the Part to its original Warehouse Location. If a Part was disbursed from multiple Locations, the system will attempt to return an even amount to each location.

When a Part is returned, Lucity automatically creates a new record in the Parts > History grid labeled "Inventory Returned." The History record contains the following information:

    • Inventoried Date - Date the Parts were returned.
    • Cost Per Unit - Indicates the Cost that was copied to the Work Order Task's MaterialResource record when the Part was disbursed. If no data is available, the value is set to 0.
    • Original Qty - Displays the number of units returned. This number servers as a historical record of how much was returned.
    • Currently Qty - Displays the number of returned units that remain. After the initial return this number will match the Original Qty, but will change as those parts are later used on other work orders.
    • PO Number - States that the record is for an Inventory Return and provides the related Work Order #.
    • Avg. Cost - Displays the average cost of the Part.

Note: If a Part's quantity was negative before the return, the numbers in the Parts History record will be used to balance out any History records labeled "Inventory Understock."