Employee Resources

The Planned Task module's Employee Resources function enables an agency to estimate the amount of work a certain class of employees will complete on a task and the cost of that work. The quantity and cost data supplied here are rolled up into the Planned Task record's monthly cost estimates.


Employee Resources grid

A Planned Task record's Employee Resources grid lists classes of employees that are expected to work on the planned task this fiscal year.


Using Grids >> Grid Tools >> Editable Grids >> Using Forms >>

How to add an Employee Resource to a Planned Task

Employee Resource record fields


Identifies a classification of employee that will complete or help complete the work task this fiscal year.

Unit of Measure

Identifies a unit of measurement for the employee classification (typically, this value is "hours").

  • Lucity automatically completes this field using corresponding data from the Employee Classification Setup record, if available.

EM added a note that the" UofM is informative not functional." It took me a while to understand, but I think she's pointing out that the system only carries over the Total Cost value to the Planned Task record; it does not incorporate any kind of data conversion based on the unit of measure defined here. Do you think we need to make this point? If we need it here, does it belong in the UofM definition on every Resource page?

Unit Cost

Specifies the cost to use one unit of this employee resource.

  • Lucity automatically completes this field using the Hourly Rate from the Employee Classification Setup record, if available. However, you can change the Unit Cost on this record without altering the original Setup record.


Specifies the estimated number of resource units required to complete this task.

  • This value should be appropriate to the resource type and unit of measure. For example, a Quantity of 16 and a Unit Of Measure of Hours would indicate that this employee classification is expected to work 16 hours on this task.

Total Cost

Calculates the total estimated cost of this employee classification's work on the task.

  • Calculated as: Unit Cost x Quantity
