Controlling Part Disbursal by Date

Certain Materials or Fluids that users add to Work Orders as Resources may have an expiration date or a limited shelf-life (e.g., a fire extinguisher, motor oil or paint). Administrators can configure Lucity to prevent employees from disbursing Parts that have expired (or are soon to expire).


System Setup

  • To control Part disbursal by date, enable the "Use Part Open Inventory Date Range"Work Option, which may be found at: Admin Portal > Settings > Work Options > Work tab > Parts section.

Part Setup

  • In the Parts Inventory module, identify all Parts that should only be disbursed within a valid date range.
  • Then, on each record, enter Start Date and End Date values to indicate when the Part is eligible for disbursement.

How It Works

  1. Add a Material Resource or Fluid Resource that is linked to a Part to a Work Order Task.
  2. Enter the Work Order > Material Resource record's End Date.

If the Material Resource record's End Date falls outside the related Part record's Start Date and End Date,the system alerts the user through an error message and prevents the user from saving their edits.