Problem Setup

Lucity's Work Problem Setup module allows an agency to document the issues or situations that commonly generate the work it performs. The module can also be used to link Problems to other elements of the Work system, such as certain Tasks, Categories or business areas. Those details are then carried over to Work Orders and PMs—promoting consistency and improving an agency's work flow.

Problem vs Cause

Be careful not to confuse a problem with a cause. Lucity enables agencies to track both the problem that leads to a Work Request and its cause. Therefore, it's important that administrators understand the distinction.

  • A problem is a matter or situation that triggers a Request for a Work Order (e.g., a sewer backup, a missing street sign, a pothole).
  • A cause is the event or circumstance that creates a problem that necessitates a Work Order Request (e.g., flooding, a tornado, a lightening strike, vandalism, natural age and wear).

    1. Example 1

      A severe flood washes out part of a road. The damaged roadway is the problem that requires work; its cause is the flood.

      An agency could filter its Lucity Work Orders by Cause to determine how many work hours were related to flood response.

      Example 2

      Every year, the City coats its roadways with with a thin surface treatment to seal cracks and pores. "Asphalt cracks" is the problem; its cause is simply "Preventative maintenance."

      The City could filter its Lucity Work Orders by Cause to determine what proportion of its work was proactive (preventative maintenance) vs reactive (due to unforeseen circumstances).

How To Access

To access the Problem Setup module, select Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Problem Setup.

How to create a Problem Setup record

How to add a Script item to a Problem Setup record

How to create a Problem Notification

How to associate a Problem with a Category

How to add a Category Notification to a Problem Setup record

How to add a Maintenance Zone Supervisor to a Problem Setup record