Create Request from Map

The Create Request tool lets users create a Request based on a feature.

How To Create a Request

  1. Select one or more features in the Webmap or from the Data Table.
  2. Select yellow headset create request icon (either in the Selection toolbar or the Data Table).

    If the selected features have a Default Work Category, the system:

    • creates a Request for each asset; and
    • launches the Work Request module and displays the new Requests.
  3. If the selected features do not have a Default Work Category, the following pop-up prompts users to select a Category:

    • Only Categories associated with the selected feature are shown.
  4. Select a Category and click OK (required). The system:

    • creates a Request for each selected asset; and
    • launches the Work Request module and displays the new Requests.
  5. You can now edit the request to fill out other desired information.