Cognos Analytics setup

EAM’s Cognos Analytics plug-in allows agencies who own the Asset Management Analytics integration to display any of EAM’s preconfigured Cognos reports as well as custom Cognos reports on the EAM dashboard. Using the plug-in, you can display EAM data within a frame as graphs or charts, or add links to larger, multiple-page reports.

If your agency uses another CentralSquare product, it may already have a license. Contact CentralSquare Support to purchase this integration and configure authentication between EAM and Cognos Analytics.

Available reports

As part of its initial release of the Cognos Analytics plug-in (for v. 21.2), CentralSquare provides roughly 25 Cognos reports preconfigured for EAM data. Additional reports will be offered with later releases.

If you would like to create and display custom Cognos reports, the plug-in can display those on dashboards, as well. For your convenience, you can find a link to launch the Cognos Authoring interface in the EAM Admin Portal under Reports > Analytics.

Features and example


  • Reports display data in graph, chart or table format directly in the frame.

  • Larger reports, or reports that present data in tables, can be displayed as links. When you click the link, a pop-up containing the report appears.

  • If the report you select to display requires you to enter parameters, it must be the only Cognos report displayed that dashboard tab. If you'd like to add multiple Cognos reports requiring parameters to your dashboard, they must be displayed as links.

    However, you can add multiple Cognos plug-ins to a dashboard tab as long as none of the selected reports require parameters.


The report above is a data visualization of the number of open Work Orders that are assigned to each supervisor.


When you add a Cognos Analytics plug-in in the EAM dashboard's design mode, the following form appears:

Cognos Analytics plug-in fields

Field Description

Selected Report

Indicates the Cognos Analytics report to display in the selected dashboard frame.


Specifies the height of the report (in pixels).

By default, this value is 400 pixels. After creating a Cognos plug-in, and seeing how it displays on the dashboard, you may wish to adjust this value.

Open as Link

Directs the plug-in to display the report as a link, rather than as a data visualization within the frame.

If you choose this display option, which is useful for large reports, the linked report opens in a separate application tab.