Shared Tabs

Shared Tabs are Dashboard Tabs that are shared among multiple users. Shared Tabs enable administrators to make changes to a Tab and have those changes automatically applied to all Dashboards that use that Tab. This is useful to give multiple users in similar roles access to common data sets.

  • Shared Tabs are highlighted in Orange while in Design Mode.
  • Changes made to Shared Tabs will affect all Dashboards that contain them.
  • Shared Tabs are updated just like individual Dashboard Tabs; however, they feature two unique tools (described below).

Shared Tabs are managed through Admin Portal > Dashboard Management > Shared Tabs and > Manage Shared Tabs/Groups.

Shared Tab Related Tools

These tools can be accessed in the following locations:

Manage Users

Enables an administrator to manage the users to whom the Shared Tab is assigned.

Manage Shared Tabs

Enables administrators to manage which Shared Tabs are linked to which users.

Important:   Once a Tab is shared, it cannot be unshared. Changes made to a Shared Tab will be applied to all users to whom that Tab is assigned. However, you can Edit Properties Pencil edit properties icon for a Shared Tab on a user's Dashboard to Disassociate the Shared Tab from the user and remove it from their Dashboard.

Adding and editing Shared Tabs

Manage Shared Tabs for an individual Dashboard

Manage Shared Tabs for multiple user Dashboards