Tab Groups

Tab Groups are collections of Shared Tabs that can be applied to a user Dashboard all at once. Each user can only have one Tab Group applied to his or her Dashboard. A Tab Group always appears at the top of a Dashboard Tabs list.

  • Tab Groups are highlighted in purple in Design Mode.
  • Any changes made to a Tab Group affect all Dashboards that include the Tab Group.
  • Tab groups are updated just like individual Dashboards; however, they feature two unique tools (described below).

Note:   If a Tab Group is assigned to a Dashboard, and a Shared Tab that the Tab Group contains is also assigned to the Dashboard, the Tab Group will not include the Shared Tab. This eliminates the possibility of duplicate Dashboard Tabs.

Tab Groups are managed through Admin Portal > Dashboard Management > Shared Tab Groups and > Manage Shared Tabs/Groups.

For more information about configuring dashboard tabs, see Dashboard Tabs Setup.

Tab Group Related Tools

These tools can be accessed in the following locations:

Manage Tab Group

Enables an administrator to control which Tab Group is assigned to an individual Dashboard.

Manage Shared Tabs

Enables an administrator to manage the which Tab Group is assigned to users' Dashboards.

Adding and editing Tab Groups

Manage Tab Groups for an individual Dashboard

Manage Tab Groups for multiple user Dashboards

Tab Groups can be added to multiple users' Dashboards at the same time using the Manage Shared Tabs tool.

Tab Groups can be assigned to Default Rules groups using the Manage Shared Tabs tool. When a user logs in the system looks up their default rules group, which is assigned in the Security program, and assign the related tab group to the user's dashboard.